The Social Science Journal
Aims and Scope
The Social Science Journal is the official journal of the World Social Science Association, formerly the Western Social Science Association. The principle purpose of the Journal is to publish scholarly work in those social sciences closely related to the academic sections promoted at the Annual Conference of WSSA. Please see ( The Journal is open to research manuscripts using a variety methodologies (Ethnographic, Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, Theoretical, Case Study, Speculative, Comparative Studies, Program Review, Survey Research, and/or A-Theoretical research) with a clear focus on the social sciences. Additionally, manuscripts with national, and international impact, as well as manuscripts resulting from significant research of a regional or local nature that informs, both scholarship and world opinion are very welcome.
Co-Editor, Social Science Journal

Mandi Bates Bailey, Editor-in-Chief
American University
Co-Editor, Social Science Journal

Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, Editor-in-Chief
North Carolina Central University
(919) 530-7259
Co-Editor, Social Science Journal

Anne Price, Editor-in-Chief
Valdosta State University
(229) 245-4326
Associate Editors, Social Science Journal
Horace Bartilow, American University
Lakeyta Bonnette-Bailey, Georgia State University
Tanisha Burford, North Carolina Central University
Daniel Carlson, University of Utah
Christopher Cooper, Western Carolina University
James Druckman, University of Rochester
Jeffrey Fine, Clemson University
Richard Fording, University of Alabama
Matthew Gabel, Washington University in St. Louis
Benjamin Gibbs, Brigham Young University
Anthony Gierzynski, University of Vermont
Daniel Lewis, Seinna College
Donald Haider-Markel, University of Kansas
Marc Hutchison, University of Rhode Island
Matthew Lassiter, University of Michigan
Ryan Light, University of Oregon
Dan Molden, Northwestern University
Fanhao Nie, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Anthony Nownes, University of Tennessee
D’Andra Orey, Jackson State University
Yu Ouyang, Purdue University Northwest
Matthew Painter, University of North Texas
Mark Peffley, University of Kentucky
Richard Petts, Ball State University
Brandon Prins, University of Tennessee
Helen Rizzo, American University in Cairo
J. Michael Ryan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Allyson Shortle, University of Oklahoma
Cigdem Sirin, University of Texas at El Paso
Jessie Swigger, Western Carolina University
Bernard Tamas, Valdosta State University
Shannon Vaughan, University of Montana
Jose Villalobos, University of Texas at El Paso
Lee Walker, National Science Foundation
Tiffany Willougby-Herard, University of California-Irvine
Julie Zimmerman, University of Kentucky