
World Social Science Association

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Welcome To
The World Social Science Association

The World Social Science Association will be holding its next Annual Meeting April 2, 2025 through April 5, 2025 at the Sheraton Grand, Seattle, WA, USA. WSSA is an international, multi-disciplinary conference with several affiliates including:

  • American Indian & Indigenous Studies;
  • Association for Borderlands Studies;
  • Association for Institutional Thought;
  • Latin American Studies & Chicano-Iberian Culture Network;
  • Slavic Studies;
  • Union for Radical Political Economics.

There are 22 additional sections across the Social Sciences.
For a full list please see: (

We will be sending our initial call for papers the first week of May of this year. The paper submission portal will open August 14, 2025.

The 67th Annual WSSA Conference

April 2 through April 5, 2025

Sheraton Grand, Seattle, WA

To setup your account for the WSSA, submit an abstract or paper, register for the WSSA Conference, signup for breakout sessions, or to make hotel reservations, please use the buttons below.